How to Change How Long Windows Waits Before Closing Apps at Shutdown
Almost every computer user is familiar with a process at shutdown when the computer will present the user with apps that it's going to shut them down if not prevented. the default duration is 5 seconds, which allows users to rescue their data and properly shutdown their applications. But if you are not satisfied with the duration and want either to increase or decrease it, you can use the following steps to do so:
Step 1: Press Win + R to open the Run box.
Step 2: Type in Regedit and then press Enter.
Step 3: Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Step 4: Look for the HungAppTimeout. If you can't find it, you can use the method written below to create one.
Right-click on the blank area of the right page, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it as HungAppTimeout.
Step 5: Double-click on HungAppTimeout.
Step 6: Set a value in milliseconds.
Step 7: Click on OK to confirm the setting.
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